Bitpanda has introduced Fusion, a new platform that aggregates price data from major crypto exchanges, market makers, and liquidity providers, allowing users to access the best buy and sell prices from a single account.
By pooling liquidity from multiple sources, Bitpanda Fusion resolves common liquidity issues and offers tighter spreads for more efficient trading. With over 700 trading pairs at launch, including popular stablecoins, users can trade in their preferred currency without the need for conversions, with plans for more pairs in the future.
Fusion also integrates Bitpanda’s existing features, including zero deposit and withdrawal fees, extensive staking options, and easy access via the web app. The platform upholds the highest standards of compliance with EU regulations and ensures top-tier security with cold storage guarantees.
Bitpanda, Europe’s leading crypto platform, has announced the launch of Bitpanda Fusion. With this launch, Bitpanda has extended its industry-leading offering and now has a product to support every investment strategy.
Designed for advanced crypto traders, Bitpanda Fusion supports intra-day, high-volume trading strategies with a competitive fee structure, sophisticated chart analysis tools and insights, ultimately providing experienced traders with the tools they need to execute their strategies with confidence.
Eric Demuth, CEO and co-founder of Bitpanda, commented:
“Fusion is a new standard for crypto trading. It is the best tool on the market for experienced high volume traders and means they no longer need to track prices across multiple exchanges or have multiple logins – and it guarantees the execution price. It is everything you ever wanted in one account. Bitpanda Fusion offers simplicity, safety, deep aggregated liquidity, and price precision as well as the security, regulation and trust Bitpanda is known for.”
Built to best-in-class security standards and fully compliant with EU regulations, users of Bitpanda Fusion will gain all of the benefits currently available on the Bitpanda platform, including zero deposit or withdrawal fees, a market-leading staking offering, and asset cold storage.
Users can now instantly access Bitpanda Fusion directly from the Bitpanda Web App.