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Configure Your Wifi So That Neighbors Cannot Steal Your Internet

The Internet is one of the most important tools that society has to keep in touch with others in times of pandemic. However, in order not to run any risk, it is important that the user knows well how their router works : that box-shaped device that allows you to connect to the network thanks to WiFi.

In order for us to be able to know how it works, and to protect ourselves from any attack or attempted theft, the National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) has shared a guide on the steps that users must take to turn their connection into a strength.

«The router is the device that allows us to connect and surf the Internet. Setting it up correctly will, to a great extent, prevent someone without permission from using our Network and invading our privacy and security ”, they explain from INCIBE in this regard.

According to the institution, the first thing we should do when we buy a new router is to review its configuration to see if it is secure enough. For this we must take the IP address of the device and put it in the browser that we want, be it Chrome, Safari or any other.

After performing the search, the user will see a screen that asks for the credentials of their router to begin the configuration. “Sometimes they are usually written by default in the router itself, other times they are usually generic, of the type user: admin / password: admin user: admin / password: 1234”, they explain from INCIBE.

Once entered, we will access the configuration menu, which will be divided into several sections. Although internet service providers offer their own design and menu items may vary, in general terms, they contain quite similar options and sections .

The first is ” My local network “, which is where the devices that are connected to the router are listed. It is also common for this section to include those that have been in the past, so it can be verified thanks to this if a third party has been connected to the network at some point without our noticing.

We can also check the network information, such as the name, password and security protocol from the ” WiFi ” section.

In ” Information and diagnostics ” we will find the status of the different functions and services of the router, such as internet, telephone, WiFi network or power. In turn, we can check the system parameters to know the data of the type of router, its serial number and other technical data.

Finally, we will see an option of « Advanced settings”, From where we can access a wide variety of settings, such as the” firewall “, which allows you to modify the level of protection of the router. «Once we are familiar with the different sections and sections of the interface, we can begin to make changes to our router.

The possibilities are many, but we will focus on those configurations that help us increase the security of our router and the devices connected to the network “, they say from the National Institute of Cybersecurity.

From the configuration menu the user can make the necessary changes to make the device as secure as possible. And to achieve this, it is important that, like any electronic device, it is kept up to date.and, in this way, possible vulnerabilities that have been discovered by the manufacturer are eliminated.

In the WiFi menu, the user will be able to find a section in which “Software update” will appear, although INCIBE explains that depending on the model the name may be different: “Once we click, we will be informed if the device is already updated to the latest version, or will provide us with an option to do so.

It is advisable to enter the option from time to time to carry out this check and prevent possible breaches in the security of our internet connection.

The routers come from the factory with default passwords and names with which the user can use them. However, to avoid risks, it is important to change them as soon as we find a space for it .

To carry out the operation, and improve the security of the router, the option to change the password should be found in “Advanced configuration” and in “Administration”, which is where it is usually found.

There we will be given the option to make the change. “It is essential that we use a password strong enough to protect access to the configuration interface of our router,” they explain from INCIBE. Likewise, the institutionrecommends using eight to ten digits; combine lower case, upper case, numbers and symbols; and perform the operation again at least twice a year .

This operation must also be carried out with the WiFi keys. To do this, we will have to go to the “WiFi” section of the configuration menu and search for ” Main WiFi key “. The process that we must follow will be similar to the one we have described above.

“It is likely that, after changing the password of our Wi-Fi network, the router will need to be restarted and those devices that were connected to the network will have to reconnect by entering the new password as a security measure,” they warn from INCIBE.

When we change passwords, and use new strong keys, it is more difficult for a cybercriminal to steal them through an attack and access our network and information. However, it is also advisable to give the WiFi network a new name .

“The problem is that the names with which WiFi networks are usually identified for the first time have information about the Internet service provider. An attacker skilled enough could look for information on how to access the administration panel, common credentials or vulnerabilities with which to take advantage of and access the device and then carry out the modifications he wants or steal information easily “, alert from INCIBE.

For this, it is important to use a random name or one that cannot be linked to us or our internet provider. Most routers also offer an added setting to hide the name of the WiFi network . This is a measure to prevent third parties from trying to connect to our network. By checking the option to hide the name, the programs to detect available networks will not show our connection.

One of the best security measures we can take to improve the security of our home internet is to filter the devices that have access . This can be achieved in the “WiFi” or “Networks” section. If we click on it, a function that allows MAC filtering will appear , which is a unique code that electronic devices include.

To know ours we must look at the operating system and the manufacturer. With a quick internet search of the device model we can find a way to access the information. For example, in the case of an iPhone, we must go to “Settings”, “General” and “WiFi Address”.

There the MAC will appear reflected. If your “smartphone” is Android, the path will be “Settings”, “About phone” and “Status”. There are also some mobiles in which you have to go to “Settings”, “WiFi” and “Advanced settings or additional settings”.

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