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eBay Incorporates Nfts To Its Catalog Of Offers

eBay incorporates the NFTs to its catalog of offers.At the moment, collectible sports and comic cards and artwork are on sale. Their CEO reported that they are examining accepting cryptocurrency payments.

The sales platform, eBay, incorporated the sale of non-fungible tokens (NFT, for its acronym in English) as of Tuesday, May 11, 2021. In this way, the North American giant joins the exponential growth of this market in recent months.

This step is a new sign of eBay’s intention to enter the world of cryptocurrencies. Recently, CriptoNoticias had reported on the feasibility analyzes that the company was conducting to allow payments with crypto assets on its site. In this sense, its CEO Jamie Ianonne explained that the goal is to facilitate the shopping experience for its more than 187 million users.

Currently, trading cards in NFT format can be found on eBay that range in price from $ 5 to $ 1,000. Many of them are related to the world of sports and its stars, although there are also others related to comics and art.

According to sources from the company to the Reuters agency, in the short term an inventory will be made available to users who meet eBay standards to buy and sell these tokens in various categories.

In this way, when it comes to traditional platforms, eBay is positioned as a pioneer in its field in terms of the adoption of blockchain-related technologies.

A similar case is that of the Argentine company Mercado Libre, which recently incorporated the possibility of buying and selling real estate using bitcoin (BTC) as a payment currency. There are also exclusive NFT markets like Bitski , but these are initiatives that are only just in their infancy .

NFTs have exploded in 2021
Non-fungible tokens are authentic digital assets, that is, there are no two alike, which assures its holder that their piece is unique and also gives the object commercial value. Trading cards, artwork, photography, videos, and even songs can be sold as NFT. Usually, these transactions are made with bitcoin (BTC), ether (ETH) and dollars.

So far in 2021, millions of dollars of NFT have been sold. The most resounding example is the sale of a Beeple artwork for almost $ 70 million, but there are also many other cases, such as the creation of an entire collection of the Star Wars saga in NFT format.

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